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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  February 8, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PST

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a lot worse, poised to dump two feet of snow on new england. >> two converging weather systems coming together producing as much as three inches of snow an hour. >> airlines canceled thousands of flights. >> it's going to be crazy later. a criminal investigation is under way to find out who is responsible for hacking the e-mails of the bush family. boeing's dreamliner will soon return to the skies but only for test runs to collect data on the plane's troubled batteries and the electrical system. all that -- >> are you kidding me?! >> he just came over and apologized. i literally kept my eye on the puck. >> you have an offensive and defensive coordinateorcoordinator. what do you do? >> and all that matters. >> snow emergency in the city of boston will go into effect at noontime, stay off the streets of our city basically stay home. >> the good news if you like snow we're going to have some. >> on "cbs this morning."
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>> the worst hit is boston expecting five-foot snow drifts. my god! if that happens to new york we won't find our mayor until spring! welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is off today. anthony mason is with us. as you're waking up in the west police in southern california may be closing in on a former officer who declared war on his own. christopher dorner is accused of shooting two police officers yesterday in river side california, killing one of them. he was already wanted for killing a young couple. the dragnet stretches for hundreds of miles across southern california, but this morning, the focus is on big bear outside los angeles. ben tracy is there, ben, good morning. >> reporter: norah and anthony good morning. with daylight on the west coast the search resumes for christopher dorner. they did have small search teams
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working this area throughout the night but so far no sign of him. the authorities acknowledge this could be an elaborate diversion or perhaps even a trap. when an assault team descended on the mountain town of big bear california, authorities hoped they were hot on the trail of christopher dorner. 125 officers joined the search following fresh tracks in the snow that led from this burned out truck they say belongs to dorner. investigators have been combing the truck for clues as s.w.a.t. teams search door to door for the suspected killer. >> i have no idea what his thoughts were. we're doing everything we can to search the area and attempt to find him. certainly he could be anywhere at this point and that's why we're searching door to door. >> turn around. >> reporter: more than a dozen local, state and federal agencies joined the manhunt thursday after dorner allegedly shot at four police officers in river side county near los angeles, killing one and wounding two others. >> this is a somewhat unprecedented or at least a very rare occurrence for us. we have a trained and heavily
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armed person who is hunting for police officers. >> reporter: it appears to be revenge. 3-year-old christopher dorner was fired from the lapd in 2008 after filing a false brutality complaint against a fellow officer. he also has military training having served in the navy. >> of course he knows what he's doing. we trained him. he was also a member of the armed forces. it is extremely worrisome and scary especially to the police officers involved. >> reporter: in a rambling manifesto on his facebook page he details of what he sees is abuse in the police department and targets dozens of officers by name writing "i will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in lapd uniform, whether on or off duty will you now live the life of the prey. i never had the opportunity to have a family of my own. i'm terminating yours." investigators believe dorner
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murdered monica quan and her fiance in a parked car sunday. quan's father is a retired los angeles police captain who represented dorner at his disciplinary hearings. >> i would tell him to turn himself in. this has gone far enough. nobody else needs to die. >> reporter: the weather up here with the snow the wind and temperatures in the low 30s is complicating this search and keep in mind they're dealing with a guy who has finally honed survival skills. this is someone who was in the military and also on the police force. >> ben tracy, thanks ben. bill bratton was the los angeles police chief while christopher dorner was in the lapd and senior correspondent john miller former head of the major crimes division at the lapd under bratton. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> they found his truck. do we think that's going to take us any closer to him at this point? >> john and i were talking about that, our perspective is it's probably a diversion, 80 miles outside of l.a. and the latest
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new story he might be in the san diego area so possibly a diversionary tactic to draw people up to the area while he's headed south. >> how well equipped is the lapd to deal with something like this? >> this circumstance the lapd is superbly equipped for this in terms of their investigative capabilities, their resources and the southern california police community is incredibly well networked with each other. each department works very well seamlessly with each other. so the manhunt that's under way is coordinated, it's sophisticated, and is as you've seen very comprehensive. >> commissioner we have a picture of you and christopher dorner together. do you remember him? >> don't remember him, but looking at this picture, he's in his military uniform, chances are this was when he was being deployed into the military i'd bring them up to my office and wish them well bring their families up and introduce them
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to our military liaison officer and give them a good luck charm, if you will as they went off. >> you were mentioned in his manifesto and also cnn was mailed a package in which you were specifically referenced and there was a ceremonial coin with your name and it had three bullet holes in it. this is the picture that we have courtesy of "anderson cooper 360." what is your reaction? >> it's very chilling. this is the actual coin it is a custom you give as a sign of respect a good luck charm for those going overseas. when you see that coin was given in friendship and respect has three bullet holes, certainly very chilling. i was surprised cnn had not actually moved that to the police officials when they received it. >> and so john what do you make of that, given this new piece of evidence and we know what his motive is. he has a beef with the police department and that's why he's gone after police officers. >> what i make of that is i
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mean if we're talking about the offender characteristics and the profile here is a remarkable amount of pre-staging to put this on the map, even before he took the action that would make news. what i'm thinking through this morning is with the burning truck and setting the truck on fire on that mountain was really meant to draw people to it is somebody would put that much pre-staging planning into a series of events that they've clearly calculated it's doubtful that they didn't put the same amount of planning into an end game so at this stage, as we round third base towards home it makes you wonder what is his plan for the end game? >> well police officers are armed obviously, most of them are. how do you bro tect an entire police department? effectively the whole department say target and also let's say there are some innocent people killed here too. >> that's true. i spoke to jeff beck yesterday shortly after the two newspaper people mistakenly shot by the lapd officers guarding one of
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the houses of concern, so the police are certainly on edge in the sense that one of these assaults that killed the river side police officer was totally unprovoked, goes up beside their car with a semiautomatic rifle just starts shooting at them. so this is an incredibly dangerous individual. john and i were talking we're surprised now all of this attention that he's brought on to himself that he has not sought to reach out to the media to now exploit it. it's very interesting he's stayed quiet all during this time. police training is he's aware anything he uses electronically can be immediately zeroed in on so he's possibly staying silent because of that understanding. >> it's very interesting in the planning arc of this, january 31st, he cut off all his cell phones and other connections. he erased his communications platform. that doesn't mean he doesn't have one. it probably means in his planning he got throw-away phones and other devices that aren't traceable to him. >> all right.
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>> that just has a longer term strategy. >> it does and that's why i keep coming back to he has brought this to a certain pinnacle. it seems like he's going to be moving towards however he wants this to wrap up and that could take a number of different forms. >> bill bratton, john miller thank you. >> later a closer look at the suspect christopher dorner and his violent manifesto. if you have friends and family in the northeast, chances are they are racing to stock up on supplies this morning, and a dangerous and potentially record-breaking blizzard is dumping snow on millions of people this morning. >> blizzard warnings are posted from here in new york city to boston, with up to two feet of snow forecast and damaging winds. the worst is expected to hit tonight, and continue into tomorrow morning. >> we are covering all angles of the blizzard from the storm's path to the travel headaches. so we start with seth doane in new york city where it's all beginning. seth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning and good morning to our viewers in the west. as you can see, it is already
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snowing here in new york. we're expecting upwards of a foot of snow and wind gusts of 50 to 60 miles per hour which could really complicate that snow removal. i'm standing in front of some of the 250,000 tons of salt the city has raised and spread on its roadways in 365 salt-spreading trucks. the mayor is not taking any chances here in new york city after being criticized so much for his mishandling of the snow removal back in that blizzard of 2010. some residents were snowbound for days. one of the other real concerns with this blizzard is the forecast storm surge, only three to five feet in the forecast but that could be a real problem in parts of long island queens and brooklyn so devastated during superstorm sandy those natural coastal defenses are gone, and even a relatively low three to five-foot storm surge could create a problem.
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we're starting to see some schools being closed or closed early, as this storm is expected to get worse throughout the day. >> seth doane, thank you. and from new york to boston the travel nightmare has already begun with thousands of flights canceled. starting this afternoon, all flights, that's right, all flights in and out of boston's logan airport are grounded and that affects flights all across the country. terrell brown is at logan, terrell, good morning. >> reporter: norah, anthony good morning to you. nearly 500 flights have been canceled in boston more than 1,800 in the new york area and officials here saying with that many flight cancellations on the grid you can expect air travel problems throughout the day today and maybe through the weekend, and it's not, folks on the west coast taking a flight out of the country's mid section or on the west coast out of california, lax, you can maybe run into some cancellations. good idea to check with your air provider before headed to the
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airport. amtrak canceling rail service, no trains running from new york to boston that starts this afternoon and the common theme we're seeing here is that the snow will come down t will accumulate quickly so forecasters are telling folks to get to a safe place and be prepared to stay there. >> terrell brown, thanks. cbs news weather consultant david bernard is tracking the blizzard for us. david, what's the latest? >> the storm has taken shape this morning let's go right to our radar, we can really see this low starting to form right on the outer banks of north carolina that's where the low is located right now, that continues to move north during the day. rain spreading ahead of it and look at the forecast storm track by 7:00 this evening, a powerful low will be located just east of atlantic city, and again, new york is going to be right on the edge of this rain/snow line but all areas inland will be experiencing very heavy snows and that blizzard will really take shape tonight and then as we go into saturday morning, especially over southeastern new england and connecticut that's when the worst of it will be.
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the snow potential hasn't changed all that much. the area we could see two feet or more of snow is generally in this area here but i'm keeping the line of more than a foot of snow back into the new york city area and maybe even the western end of long island we could see that much snow. it all depends on how fast that rain/snow changeover occurs and we don't know that just yet. >> david sorry to hear that. it's not just the snow it's also the wind. >> right when you talk about a blizzard anthony, the snow is, you have the accumulating snow but the blizzard hazards refer to visibility and wind and right now i think wind gusts to 60 will be common across a good part of the northeast. coastal areas could see hurricane force wind gusts, meaning around 75 miles per hour that's going to mean power outages likely and zero visibility will make travel just about impossible and as seth was mentioning look at the coastal floodwaters from delaware the jersey shore up into the maine coastline, if you're in a flood
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prone area and your local emergency management is telling you watch out or don't travel on certain words pay attention to what they're saying. capitol hill defense secretary leon panetta revealed president obama was the one who blocked the plan to arm rebel fighters in syria. the plan was directed by david petraeus and backed by pentagon leaders and secretary of state hillary clinton. the white house had doubts which rebels could be trusted with the arms. those details came to light during a senate hearing on libya and republicans had some tough questions for panetta, who revealed he and president obama spoke once during the eight-hour benghazi attack that left four americans dead and explained why the pentagon didn't send any war planes. >> reporter: the reason planes were not launched the attack came in two waves in two
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different locations and after the first wave ended after about an hour and a half they all thought it was over plus he said there wasn't enough actionable intelligence on the ground to act. >> you can't just willy-nilly send f-16s there and blow the hell out of a place without knowing what's taking place. >> reporter: under questioning by republicans secretary panetta and the joint chiefs of staff martin dempsey say they were aware in the months before attack u.s. ambassador chris stevens was worried about security in libya. >> did you receive that information? >> i did and i saw -- >> so it didn't poertbother you? >> it bothered me a great deal. >> why didn't you put forces in place to be ready to respond? >> because we never received a request to do so. >> he reported benghazi was one of u.s. outposts receiving threats. >> the u.s. military has neither the resources nor the responsibility to have a firehouse next to every u.s. facility in the world. >> reporter: the white house has
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provided few details about the president's actions the night of the benghazi attacks. panetta revealed he briefed the president at the start of the attack, but the two men did not speak again that night. >> are you surprised that the president of the united states never called you, secretary panetta to say, how's it going? >> you know normally in these situations -- >> did he know the level of threat -- >> let me finish the answer. we were deploying the forces. he knew we were deploying the forces. he was being kept -- >> i hate to interrupt you but i got limited time. we didn't deploy any forces. >> the president is well-informed about what is going on. make no mistake about it. >> reporter: this was pa net ta's last time testifying on capitol hill as secretary of defense. is he retiring and moving back to california. president obama will be delivering farewell remarks to panetta at a ceremony this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. pacific. norah and anthony? >> nancy cordes thank you.
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time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" says iran's supreme leader rejected talks with the united states saying "the iranian nation will not negotiate under pressure." the united states that's important because the ayatollah khamenei decides the actions of iran." "san francisco chronicle" is requiring all guns to be registered with the state. none of the soldiers were killed in the combat zone and return home to california. the "wall street journal" is investigating all three major credit ratings firms, they are all being asked to hand over information about how they rated mortgage bonds ahead of the 2008 financial meltdown.
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and the update everyone's been waiting for, the "new orleans times-picayune" says sunday's blackout was caused by faulty relay equipment, ironically put in place to protect the stadium from a cable storm clouds continue to roll on through the showers beginning to decrease still some showers though in toward the south bay. overlooking san francisco, you can see cloudy skies right now but the rain has ended there. showers continuing toward san jose. and even some snow over our local mountains. by the afternoon, that will be long gone. temperatures running into the 50s. it will be cool and brisk dry for the weekend staying dry well into next week. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay.
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the senate argues over drone attacks while a nearby navy base is testing the next generation of pilotless planes. dave martin shows us the drone that could soon be landing on aircraft carriers and why it's nothing you've seen before. plus the hidden dangers of buying your prescriptions online. we'll show you why one in every four americans could be putting themselves at risk. and the high school football star's college plans are intercepted by his mom.
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>> it wasn't her necessarily grabbing the papers and running outside. it was more o family feud ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by the u.s. postal service. schedule your free package pickup today. different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even des. i wear a lot of hats.chnically i wear one. the u.s. postal service® no business too small.
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[ female announcer ] coffee-mate natural bliss. made with milk cream... a touch of sugar... and pure, natural flavors. coffee-mate natural bliss, from nestle. now try new low fat
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning. it's 7 of 7:26. get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. san jose police think this morning's death of a 24-year- old woman was an accident. she fell from an upper floor balcony at a downtown san jose condo. schools closed today in big bear lake in san bernardino county where the burned-out truck belonging to suspected killer christopher dorner was found.
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they are still in search of the alleged triple murderer. and if you are planning to fly today, check with your airline first. dozens of flights are cancelled at the area airports because of a storm in the northeast. up to 3 feet of snow in the northeast. got your traffic and weather coming up after the break.
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save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now. good morning. well, on this friday morning you will want to avoid the bay bridge if you can. we are talking major delays and it is all because of an earlier motorcycle accident. for a while three lanes were blocked. within the last 10 minutes they just got those lanes reopened. this is a live look at some of those delays from overhead from chopper 5. look at that. it is stacked up and just super slowly inching along from the may see all the way out towards treasure island. that's a check of traffic. for more on your forecast, here's lawrence. >> after a stormy night the skies are breaking up. still, looking toward the pleasanton area, we still have some scattered showers but
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those are dragging further and further to the south now beginning to tail off. you see down toward the san jose area we are seeing scattered showers around there and the mountaintops even a light dusting of sleet and snow. we'll watch for that as skies clear out today. temperatures going to stay cool. winds going to be picking up coastside so we'll keep low 50s there. it will be brisk and breezy today. next couple of days we dry out for the weekend. dry through the middle of next week.
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♪p this video this video is said so show pro pro governmentpro government soldiers in syria takingp taking ataking a break from fighting to dance,dance,p dance, they'redance, they're moving dance, they're moving to thep rhythm of ush rhythm of ush ear's songp rhythm of ush rhythm of ush ear's song p it's now poppingit's now popping upp it's now poppingit's now popping upthe web.
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welcome back top president obama's president obama's president obama's cia nomineenominee johnp nominee john brennanrnominee john brennan isp defending thedefending the use of lethal drone strikes. brennanrbrennanp brennan saidbrennan said the brennan said the strikes are usedp attacks and notattacks and not as a tool of retribution. p the the controversy over the use ofrof dronesp of drones isn't stopping the militaryp military frommilitary from testing the next generation of planes out pilots. the newest drones can be completely guided by computers, not people. david martin is at the naval station in paw tuxie river, maryland, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, i'm standing in front of a large unmanned aircraft flown by the navy over the persian gulf flies at 50,000 feet and designed strictly for surveillance but there are other drones at the naval air station in the pawtuxet river, maryland which are designed to carry weapons. it is capable of carrying 4,000 pounds of weapons. right now it is loaded only with instruments as it is launched from a land based catapult. remember, there is no pilot on board with the stick and rudder.
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it is responding to a computer program. call it point and click flying. according to captain jamie engdahl it is taking drone warfare to a whole new level. >> the test went very well and it's very significant because this is the first time we're doing catapult shots with a vehicle, with nobody in the cockpit. >> reporter: the x-47b conducted taxi tests aboard the "uss truman" and later this year will attempt to take off and land from the deck of an aircraft carrier. the navy has not decided whether to put weapons on the x-47b. it could be used for reson sans or electronic jamming of enemy air defenses but it could also be armed. plane could one day carry weapons? >> yes. >> reporter: unmanned aircraft offer the obvious advantage of being able to attack heavily defended targets without risking a pilot's life putting them aboard an aircraft carrier would
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give the navy the capability to launch strikes virtually anywhere in the world. >> the biggest thing is you don't have to worry about permission from other countries to operate a vehicle from foreign airfields. >> reporter: that won't happen until 2017 but two of these unmanned aircraft are flying over the persian gulf today, and have been for the past three years. >> david what about the concerns that this is now war by remote control? >> reporter: well, the navy and all the military services say there is still a man in the loo, even with the x-47b that you saw which was responding to a computer program, there was someone in a trail we areer with a computer that could have taken over that flight or given it a new computer command, so they say it is a remotely piloted vehicle, not an unmanned
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vehicle. >> david martin, thanks. you can see david's whole report on "next gen drones" this weekend on "cbs sunday morning." sunday bob schieffer talks about drones, cyber warfare and the chuck hagel nomination with senators lindsey graham and jack reed sunday on "face the nation" here on cbs. and if you've ever thought your mom was overprotective imagine what alex collins must be thinking. he's a nationally ranked high school football star who signed to play for the arkansas razorbacks only after tackling what may be his biggest opponent. jim axelrod is here to explain. >> reporter: good morning, norah. every college coach in the country will tell you the same thing, you want to recruit a high school football star then win over his mom. the drama playing out right now in college football is a public example of what happens when you don't. in the world of college football it might be the most important day of the year national signing day.
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>> the florida state university. >> reporter: the day when many of the best high school football players in the country sign the scholarship offer to play football at one of the many colleges recruiting them. it's a day full of drama. >> university of alabama. >> reporter: with the national tv audience tuned in to watch the announcements that could make or break a program. this year one of the country's best player alex collins missed out on signing papers and celebrating a scholarships. he's a highly coveted running back in south plantation high school. >> my mom thought i should wait. it wasn't her grinding up the papers and running outside, it was more of her protecting me making sure i want to go to school for the next four years of my life. >> reporter: monday collins surprised everybody, including family and friends by saying he would pass over the university of miami choosing instead -- >> the university of arkansas. >> reporter: under ncaa rules a
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parent or legal guardian must sign the binding letter of intent for any athlete under the age of 21 but two days later on signing day his mother andrea mcdonald, refused to sign the papers instead she ran off with them, so late wednesday night, collins called his father who hadn't always been present raising him. thursday collins brought his father to a press conference to sign the letter of intent. alex collins was an arkansas razorback. >> i have a good relationship with my mom, she's never missed a football game and i appreciate her for that. >> reporter: his mother wasn't done. she hired a lawyer from johnny cochran's old law firm. the attorney said mrs. mcdonald hopes all ncaa rules and regulations were followed during today's signing. she is not seeking any personal financial gain because her only concern is for alex's happiness and well-being. at that press conversation in which you which you just saw alex
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collins dressed in a camouflage story because this story isn't bizarre enough collins has spoke within his mom and she isn't against him going to arkansas she just wanted to buy him some more time before signing so that he didn't make the wrong decision. norah, anthony? i don't think we've heard the last of this one. >> buying your medications online can be cheaper and easier, but it's not always
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safe. a new book examines the fake drugs being shipped to millions of people. that's next on "cbs this morning." why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded
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7:40 am to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ that's a view of central park and the approaching storm, which i'm not sure we're ready for here. >> yeah. >> another fake batch of the cancer drug avastin turned up in the u.s. this week. it's the third such case in the past year. counterfeit drugs often come into our homes through online pharmacies. the author of "phake," good morning. >> good morning. >> are these online pharmacies safe? >> it depends. there are thousands of web
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entities out there that you can buy these drugs from. the vast majority some of them are run by the russian mafia and they can sell very lethal products things people would never dream of ingesting under other circumstances. >> how do we know what is safe where to buy from? >> the key is trust, it's a credentialing issue. you want to find the 100 or 200 sites that sell drugs. having said that, there are private credentials that are more useful like that's useful for people to do comparisons of drugs. of the 60 or so sites they recommend, we sampled 36 and found no problems with the websites. >> what are they selling? fake stuff? >> there could be significant
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problems. but many of them are selling lethal products. probably viagra is the most. >> why is that? >> they make a lot of money. it will have saw dust and lots of other things in it. it's huge money. it's probably about a $10 billion to $20 billion market. >> are the prices they offer that much lower? >> sometimes they are. sometimes actually, it's interesting, that the prices are even higher, and the reason for that is because people are embarrassed, particularly men, women for diet pills, so they can get away with charging high prices. there are incredibly low prices out there. it's not a deal because what you're ingesting is potentially lethal. >> you've got to be careful. robert robert bate thank you. you'll see what happened when whitney houston died one year ago, one night before the
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grammy's. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> announcer: cbs "healthwatch" sponsored by prego. enjoy the sweet and savory taste of prego. choose taste. choose prego. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ female announcer ] coffee-mate natural bliss. ♪ ♪ made with milk, cream... a touch of sugar... and pure, natural flavors. ♪ ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? coffee-mate natural bliss, from nestle. now try new delicious low fat chocolate. [ lane ] do you ever feel like you're growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena®
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rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. x it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft and strong is stronger than the leading value brand, for a confident clean.
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create a world of wonder and enchantment. with petsmart, the destination for all things aquatic. come to the amazing aquatics event and save up to 25% on top fin® aquariums and aquatics essentials. plus, select sichlid fish are just 2 for $5! at petsmart®. tell me you love me. tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day there's a hallmark card. chili's lunch break combos start at just 6 bucks. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas
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or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks at chili's. ♪ ♪ she's not famous. ♪ ♪ she's never been on a red carpet. ♪ ♪ but she's the star of my life. [ female announcer ] kay jewelers presents a new collection from hollywood's premier jewelry designer neil lane designs. my designs are inspired by hollywood's glamorous past. hand-crafted diamond rings earrings, and necklaces with a vintage look. at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. for the star in your life. ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪ as it snows here in the northeast, los angeles is gearing up for the grammy awards on sunday night. >> gayle king is already there. good morning. >> good morning, norah and anthony. last year's grammys were like no
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other. 24 hours before the grammy award show word came that whitney houston had died. nay knew they had to honor this music icon but they also knew the show had to go on. tomorrow night cbs will air a one-hour special that goes behind the scenes of that surreal weekend. >> test, one, two, three, four. one, two, three, four. >> grammy week is like nothing else. full of excitement anticipation, and fears. >> it's the super bowl in our field, the biggest platform for musicians to be recognized in such an elite light. >> here he is my ma'am. >> here i am. >> it's the grammys. it's where everybody kind of connects. >> the grammy shows all kinds of connections of all sorts of genres. you may meet snoop dogg or paul mccartney. >> i was just so proud of where we were with this show.
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the opening with bruce, the sentiment of the beach boys and glen campbell. ♪ like a rhinestone cowboy ♪ >> i just had to come and tell you i love you. that's all. >> we had katy perry. she's the hottest thing in the business. >> bruno mars channeled james brown. and an however before we heard about whitney houston, i heard bruce springsteen was going to show paul mccartney and joe walsh. it had so much going including return of adele. ♪ we could have had it all ♪ >> i was in the middle of rehearsing adele who had just come back from voice surgery. i was kind of exciting. we were pretty wrapped up with that. one of the cameramen came on the p.l. and said he had just heard that whitney houston had died.
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♪ i believe the children are our future ♪ >> when i heard the news about whitney, it was devastating. you know your heart goes out to her family and her, and then, you know my next thought was how is the team at the grammys going to handle the show? >> when trouble hits you, you hit back. >> all the people associated with the show had stayed up all night to scramble things around to pay tribute to whitney. i don't think i've ever been part of anything that was quite as immediate as that. >> i decided to call jennifer hudson's manager and talk to him about having jennifer do the tribute to whitney. >> i would do anything for whitney and anything to help honor her memory but i didn't know if i could get through it. ♪ i love you ♪
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♪ i will always love you ♪ ♪ whitney ♪ >> the grammys will go on:a death in the family" aired tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. up next more from the staples center on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by easy drinking starbucks blond roast. converts wanted. we've created a coffee for you. blonde is a beautiful light roasted coffee.
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kind of mellow, sweet a little citrusy. for me, personally i love connecting with people so blonde roast just gives me a whole nother reason to connect with more customers. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with secret outlast clear gel, there's no white marks or worries. [ man ] on in 5! [ female announcer ] it works as hard as you do... to outlast your day. [ man ] action! wow! [ female announcer ] secret outlast clear gel is better than the next leading invisible solid on white marks. secret outlast clear gel.
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nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. [ male announcer ] excedrin excels with migraine sufferers. these heads belong to those who can't put their lives jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels.
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[ dylan ] this is one way to keep your underwear clean. this is another! ta-daa!ttvwkun+og#wvs#q'ppu;v?ñkñ0k9%"@nkgh@@e?x, try charmin ultra strong. it cleans so well and you can use up to four times lesstt>fd@%7÷#-3w9"qqú a'pvam& 0o0 ttvwkun+og#wvs#q'ppu;v?ñkñ0k9%"@nkgh@@erb( than the leading value brand. oh! there it is. thanks>fa@=!÷#-3w9"qqú a'pvam& z50 hey! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that can help you get clean while still using less.ttvwkun+og#wvs#q'ppu;v?ñkñ0k9%"@nkgh@@ew:l and it's four times stronger versus the leading value"bé o4]0 charmin ultra strong helps keep you and your underwear
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. san jose police are looking into the death of a woman who fell from the 11th floor of a downtown condo tower. officers were called to the city heights building just before 3:00 this morning. the death is being investigated as accidental. east coast flights are
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canceled in and out of all three bay area airports as a big winter snowstorm begins pelting much of new england, new york and eastern canada. this could have a domino effect as the weekend goes on. so be sure to check with your airline ahead of time if you plan to fly anywhere this weekend. and stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment.
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good morning. the bay bridge is still a big problem spot. there was an earlier motorcycle accident in our 6:00 hour and it's been jammed solid well into the macarthur maze ever since. you're looking at a more than 20-minute wait just to get you on the span, the approaches are backed up, as well. use bart or the san mateo bridge. let's check the san mateo bridge. it looks okay free and clear in both directions. that is traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> the skies starting to part a little bit a few showers lingering outside but i think things winding down now overlooking san jose. a lot of cloud cover there but
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you can see to the north, you have some clearing skies. still some showers in the mountaintops. our high-def doppler radar is picking up on that even a light dusting of snow overnight. check that out throughout the day. temperatures will be cool and brisk. highs only in the 50s. dry for the weekend. it should be warmer, too.
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good morning everybody. it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the blizzard of 2013 is sarting, and millions are in the path of a winter blast that could break records and bring travel to a halt. flights are already getting canceled. it's getting much hotter in los angeles. gayle is at the staples center
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getting ready for the grammys. she has ll cool j, carly rae jepsen and more. the search resumes for christopher dorner. they had small search teams working this area through the night, but so far no sign of him. >> police in southern california may be closing in on a former officer who declared war on his own. >> makes you wonder what is his plan for the end game. >> the police are certainly on edge. this is an incredibly dangerous individual. >> it is already snowing here in new york. we're expecting upwards of a foot of snow. >> in the northeast, dangerous and potentially record breaking blizzard is dumping snow on millions this morning. >> nearly 500 flights canceled in boston more than 1800 in the new york area. >> the blizzard will really take shape tonight. it will depend on how fast the rain-snow changeover occurs. >> i'm standing in front of a very large unmanned aircraft. >> the controversy over the use of drones isn't stopping the
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military from testing the next generation of planes without pilots. >> every college coach in the country will tell you the same thing. if you want to recruit a high school football star then win over his mom. >> it wasn't her necessarily grabbing the papers and running outside. it was more of her protecting me. >> blizzard warnings are posted from new york to boston with up to two feet of snow forecast and damaging winds. >> new york will receive up to 12 inches of snow this weekend. or as subway calls it, 11 inches. i'm norah o'donnell with gayle king and anthony mason. charlie rose is off. blizzard warnings are up as a historic storm moves into the northeast. some areas could see heavy snow and hurricane-force winds by tonight. cbs news weather consultant david bernard is tracking the storm. david, how bad is this storm
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going to be? >> real bad in spots, norah. maybe some people will get off a bit easier. it's way too soon to say who that is going to be. we're all getting ready for this major storm. here we are this morning, the storm is taking shape on the outer banks of north carolina. the thinking is this is going to continue to the northeast paralleling the coast all day long. this takes us to 7:00 this evening. it's going to be real tricky in long island and the new york city area. when the changeovers occurs that's will have a lot to do with how much we see in the city. heavy snow by this evening, through tonight, into tomorrow morning. the worst of it will be across southeastern new england by the time we get to that point in time. now, the snowfall potential, it still looks like that corridor running from southern new hampshire and massachusetts, most of connecticut and rhode island, that's where the heaviest snow potential is. we're looking for potentially significant snows as far west as new york city and further north. even albany will get a pretty
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good bout of snow with this as well. so we have blizzard conditions in spots developing later today and tonight. that mean wind gusts to near 60 miles per hour. hurricane-force gusts near the coast, power outages and near zero visibility. that means travel will be very difficult. some spots could have coastal flooding as well. >> thanks david. new york and new jersey are still recovering from super storm sandy. now they face another potential disaster. seth doane is in new york. seth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, anthony. as you can see the snow is already falling here. that means we're already starting to see flights canceled throughout the region as well. more than 3,000 flights have been canceled so far throughout the northeast and amtrak is reducing its rail service throughout the northeast corridor. we are under a blizzard warning here in new york city expectth upwards of a foot of snow and 50 to 60-mile-per-hour winds which
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could make removing that snow even more difficult. as you move further north boston is expecting upwards of two feet of snow. so it's been a busy morning this morning here at this salt depot in new york city. behind me you can see some of the 250,000 tons of salt new york has ready to spread on its roadways with 365 salt spreaders. we're also getting reports of long lines at gas stations at grocery stores as people start to prepare for this blizzard. anthony, gayle, norah. >> seth doane, thank you. more than 100 police officers are searching the mountains outside los angeles this morning for a former police officer wanted in three killings. yesterday in their rush to stop christopher dorner police actually accident and wounded two women delivering newspapers and fired on a third person. bill whitaker is at los angeles police headquarters. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. this morning christopher dorner is on the run, accused of a
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killing spree that already has taken three lives. in his rambling online manifesto, the center of this massive manhunt say the people who know him probably can't believe what they're seeing hearing and reading in the media. his online diatribe is full of anger and threats, but the 33-year-old ex-police officer starts calmly addressing his friends. you are saying to yourself that this is completely out of character of the man you knew who always wore a smile, he writes. >> that's frankly what makes this so bizarre. >> reporter: oregon attorney james usera made dorner on the football team in 1998. they became friends, went rabbit hunting, debated politics. >> my experience with mr. dorner was overwhelmingly positive. i never saw any indications of violence or aggressiveness. certainly not anything that would suggest to me that he could commit the crimes he's been accused.
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>> reporter: he remembers dorner as a good student who served his country. dorner writes he was proud to serve in the naval reserve, even prouder to become an officer with the lapd something he dreamed of since being an explorer scout in his teens. >> he just wanted to be an officer. >> aaron alford was dorner's college football coach. they've kept in touch over the years. >> he was also -- it fits who i am. i like the military and i think the transition to being a police officer would fit. >> reporter: during his three years with the lapd the man with the smile became angry and depressed, accusing a fellow officer of using excessive force. a review panel found he had lied. dorner was fired in 2008. in his manifesto he writes i stood up for what was right and you did nothing but get rid of what you thought was the problem, the whistle-blower. you will see what a whistle-blower can do when you take everything of him, his
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name. he offers word of advice for everyone from tim tebow to talk show host ellen degeneres. for every insult he suffered in the lapd dorner adds he's turning his military and police training against those he says did him wrong. i will utilize every bit of small arms training demolition ordnance and survival training i've been given. his friend james usera remembers one more thing, dorner was especially sensitive toward anything he considered a racial slight. in his manifesto he did say he believes race was a factor in how he was treated by the lapd. when the truth comes out, the killings will stop he writes. then adds ominously, unfortunately i will not live to see my name cleared. gayle, norah, anthony. >> bill whitaker thank you. senior correspondent john miller is with us former head of the crimes division at lapd. good morning. what's going through the mind of a lot of these lapd officers who
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are now on this manhunt for christopher? >> you have different sets of officers. there are the people mentioned in his manifesto who are thinking am i safe? i can take care of myself. is my family safe? he's crossed the line that even criminals don't cross, going after the family of officers. the sis, they're a high-tech, high-end surveillance heavy weapons and investigative unit and this is the kind of case they would be deployed on. but they're looking at how do we take a guy who has promised to come at us with -- he used the term violence of action -- and turn that around and essentially the only way to confront him in the street without that become ag shootout that ends in a death is to do it with extraordinary speed and surprise. >> isn't it strange that he mentioned so many people in the media including anderson cooper
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who he sent this coin that we we have a picture of one of the coins that bratton gives out and bullet holes in that coin. >> this is the coin that the chief gives out as a keep sake. what came to "ac 360" was this coin wrapped in duct tape and it had three bullet holes in it and a bullet impact mark at the top. it was clearly a message. and there was basically a note to
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let's go out to gai let's go out to gayle in los angeles. hey there, gayle. >> i am here. thanks norah. ll cool j is back to host the grammys this year. you'll see why he says it's like climbing mount everest. we'll talk about his life the big show and that grammy dress code ahead on "cbs this morning." ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪ ♪
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i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ ♪ i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] get breakfast made the way you say. like your very own sizzlin' steak, egg white & cheese. amazingly under 200 calories. want green peppers, red onions on toasty flatbread? oh, you so got it made. ♪ at subway ♪ [ male announcer ] zzzquil™ sleep-aid. it's not for colds. it's not for pain. it's just for sleep. because sleep is a beautiful thing™. ♪ ♪ zzzquil™. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®. am i interrupting something? another viva dare. our fans think there's a rule that a paper towel can't handle this. fans? now that's tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. this is what they do for fun. i'm lorenzo. i work for 47
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different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service® no business too small. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording
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his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. ♪ ♪ the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango. el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle
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care routine. try it. then name it. a whiteout here in new york as it starts to snow. she went from a waitress at hooters to the head of a billion dollar global brand. you'll meet the woman having a sweet life selling cinnamon rolls. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." tomorrow on "cbs this morning" saturday british singing sensation ed shearin performs. he's doing a duet at the grammys with elton john. you'll see him first tomorrow on "cbs this morning" saturday.
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♪ ♪ [ woman ] "the levian family have been masters of jewelry design for centuries." this levian collection is amazing! maybe it's time to start your own. [ female announcer ] kay presents today's levian... with exclusive levian chocolate diamonds. ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪
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grammys to host on cbs. last time he hosted doing so one day after the death of whitney houston. i sat down with the two-time grammy winner yesterday. we talked about this year's show and his very long successful career. look what i found the other day. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> oh boy. >> give a hand for ll cool j. ♪
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>> he is 17. so when you look at that ll cool j what do you think? >> i think it's a blessing you know? it's a lot of mercy, a lot of grace. it's an amazing journey. and, you know it's just proof that if you dream hard enough and if you act on those dreams and try to execute, you can make things happen in your life. >> we sit here today on the grammy stage, what some say is the biggest show in the music business. >> it is. >> clearly you must have done something right because they asked you back again. >> yeah, i'm grateful. knock on wood i'm grateful. knock on it. knock on it. ♪ >> you must have done something right, ll cool j. i remember. i was here a year ago. i was actually here a year ago. and i'm wondering what your reaction was as grammy host. of course, we were all very sad about whitney houston's death but here you are not only
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talking about whitney houston's but you're the grammy host. i know you were sad about it. >> of course. that's the first thing. you're sad. then i got nervous because i realized everything has to change. what are we going to do? how am i going to address this? >> how do we speak to this time to this day? there is no way around this. we've had a death in our family. >> look we have this terrible tragedy that happened, and we have to address it in a respectful way. >> but it's still a celebration of music. >> but it's still a celebration of music. so we had to find that balance. >> so here we are a year later, ll cool j, and how are you feeling? you've got be feeling pretty good. >> i feel pretty good. >> you know you can do it. >> i know i can do it. but it's challenging. you climbed everett's once before but you still have to check your ropes and bring extra
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oxygen because you're going back to everest again. >> dress cold this year no breast, no butts, no puffy bare skin exposed. is that you? >> i still don't know what i want to wear. talking about musicians, them putting a dress code in place means they may come halfway decent. let's get clothes on them. all the dress code is going do is get clothes on them. >> the best thing about hosting the grammys is what? >> being close to the music. >> you seem to have so much fun doing it. >> just being close to music. being close to music. that's a beautiful thing. >> he said he wasn't sure what he was going to wear. he said he was trying to decide between speedos and a see-through shower curtain. i voted for both. you can see it right here on sunday night at 8:00 p.m. 7:00
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p.m. central. he was in a great mood. it was a very busy day so we were grateful for the time he gave snus great stuff. i know anthony wants to get out there. >> the storm ain't helping, gayle. you got out there for a good time. >> anthony this is your kind of party. you love music like i love music. >> enjoy it. he's the only country
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what's that? when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on
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checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, it's 8:25. time for some news headlines. a 24-year-old woman is dead after a fall from a condo in downtown san jose. the fall from the city heights condominium building is believed to have been an accident. police got a call about the fall on west saint james street
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around 3 a.m. this morning. the woman was pronounced dead at the sign. in southern california a search continues for ex-lapd cop christopher dorner accused of killing at least three people. he posted a manifesto online vowing revenge for getting fired years ago. his burning truck was found near big bear lake yesterday. a major snowstorm in the northeast is having ripple effects here in the bay area. the storm has prompted more than 3700 flight cancellations including 38 departures from sfo and 17 arrivals. some eastern cities could get up to three feet of snow by tomorrow. stay with us, traffic and weather coming right up.
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good morning. the bay bridge is improving ever so slightly after an earlier motorcycle accident. all lanes are cleared. unfortunately, we're still seeing good sized backups behind the pay gates well into the macarthur maze. the bart or the san mateo bridge would still be a great option for the friday morning drive. elsewhere coming up the guadalupe parkway, northbound 87 approaching curtner avenue an accident there multicar accident just cleared to the right-hand shoulder. but it's still slow going especially in the northbound lanes. that's traffic. for your weekend forecast, here is lawrence. >> all right. our weather improving as we head in toward the weekend, leaps and bounds. the skies beginning to part just a bit. still some scattered showers popping up outside. looking pretty gloomy looking bat towards sutro tower. more sunshine into the afternoon. maybe a little snow dusting across the mountains. hi-def doppler still showing showers over the santa cruz
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mountains but that's quickly sliding southward now. by the afternoon, should see a lot of sunshine and some cool temperatures. plan on highs only in the low 50s into pacifica, about 55 into san francisco. about 54 degrees in san jose. you can see the blue over the mountaintops keeping those highs only in the 40s. warmer over the weekend, dry and warmer through next wednesday. you score little victories every day. now you can do it with dinner. introducing land o'lakes® sauté express®. the all-in-one sauté starter with butter, olive oil, herbs and spices... so dinner really sizzles. it's one step, no prep. and so good, they'll ask for more. and that little victory is a pretty big deal.
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land o'lakes® sauté express®. find it in the dairy aisle. ♪ ♪ >> has reportedly moved back home to her mom's house. lindsay lohan moved back to her mom's house and we're the only show that has exclusive footage. take a look. look at it here. it's cold and snowy here in new york and across the northeast.
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a far cry from warm los angeles where we find gayle. hey there, gayle. >> hello, norah. i am not complaining today. welcome back to cbs from the staples center in los angeles, home of the grammy awards on sunday night. coming up in this half hour, it's a launching pad for singers to become superstars. we'll look at the contenders for this year's best new artist grammy, that includes country sensation hunter hayes. you could call her famous thanks in part to justin bieber. we're talking about carly rae jepsen of "call me maybe" fame. she just walked into the set and it's all i can do not to sing to her. she'll talk about how that song changed everything. that's all ahead. norah and anthony, back to you. >> thank you, gayle. looking forward to that. right now it's time for this morning's headlines. the hughes con chronicle reports a criminal investigation is
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underway after confidential e-mails from the bush family were hacked. e-mails with phone numbers, home addresses for both former presidents were compromised. the "wall street journal" says cheaper blends of coffee are getting more popular. bargain hunters are pushing the demand. the demand for more expensive blends is down because of weak economies in the u.s. and europe. korean airlines is building a $1 billion hotel and office sky kraeper in downtown l.a. it will stand 73 stories tall and should be ready by 2017. the "new york daily news" says there was a sticky situation for one airline passenger, and now he's suing. frank hannibal tried to take a jar of fancy peanut butter on his flight. when a screener saw it he was ordered out of the line. he joked saying they're looking to confiscate my explosives. he was arrested locked up for
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25 hours. he's suing two security workers for $5 million. a new badge of honor for corporate executives these days is appearing in disguise on the cbs reality series on "undercover boss." >> miguel's team does this cinnabon cheer. it was obvious to me that the energy this created is a net positive for the business and the morale of the team. >> that's kat cole the president of cinnabon. cole is a college dropout who got her start working at hooters. she runs a company with stores in 50 countries. >> clearly you had a blond wig on when you did "undercover boss." it's fascinating to have you
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here. how did you go from being a waitress at hooters to the president of this international company? >> you know, it was interesting. i got a young start. i started working in restaurants when i was 17 years old. like many employees in the food service industry i had the opportunity to train other employees. the company happened to be growing overseas and at 19 i started helping to open restaurants overseas in australia, south and central america, all over the world. so i got a young taste of international business, fell in love with it and was humble enough to ask people for help but hungry enough to do whatever it took to get to that next point in my career. >> i think a lot of people would be surprised this is a billion dollar company. it's not just about cinnamon rolls. >> cinnabon is a franchise business with bakeries all over the world and over 50 countries. we also have over 50,000 points of distribution through grocery stores and other food service
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channels. >> your classic roll has 800 calories, is that right? >> yes it does. >> a lot of talk about the obesity epidemic. do you think in any way you're contributing to that? >> i think it's so important as a company that offers a sweet treat, whether you're ice cream or cinnamon rolls to understand that people are going to give themselves discretionary calories, they deserve to treat themselves. we all have a responsibility to offer choice options and portion size. so a person who wants to share that roll with their friends, they can do that. we have a beautiful 300 calorie minibon that allows people to indulge a little more responsibly. >> we talk to a lot of entrepreneurs and business leaders on this show. so few of them are women, women in leadership positions. why do you think that is? >> i think that's changing. you're starting to see a lot of mid -- sort of mid tenure
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professional women that are that next generation of executive leaders. but i think it's been a convergence of women wanting to take their places leaving the home mothers. they end up in a position of conflict where they get to this point in their career where they love their job and face the opportunity to move up. but they're also looking at their personal goals with their family. i think now that -- i think things are changing and that young women are learning how to balance that how to manage it. and companies are getting a lot more understanding and flexible of different family needs, whether it's a young woman looking to raise a family or a more tenures employee who needs to raise their ailing parent. >> kat cole thank you very much. >> my pleasure. when it comes to the grammys, getting the best new artist award can be the key, alicia keys has won before. this year's nominees are getting
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it for the range and depth of their talent. ♪ tonight we are young ♪ >> ever since new york-based pop rock trio fun released their sophomore album, "some nights," they've been on a wild ride. their song "we are young" spent six weeks at number one and became the unofficial anthem of 2012. >> pretty unusual for a rock band to have the kind of success you're having these days. >> we've been doing this for such a long time. if we would have thought this would be the album, we'll get nominated for grammys and sell millions of singles, that kind of just left a long time ago. >> the band's been recognized with six grammy nominations this year including best new artist. ♪ ♪ >> if you can call them that. do you think of yourselves as new? >> it's been 12 years we've been doing this.
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this is the year that we've had our impact on whatever the culture is in a brighter sense. that's what best new artist is recognizing. >> it's true the grammys best new artist award isn't necessarily about being new. the official rules state that the artist must have released at least one album, but not more than three. >> success is preparation meets opportunity. i think the eight years of prep -- >> the lumaniers are another group with a long journey to the top of the chart. they've been playing their mix of music since 2012. ♪ i belong with you ♪ >> but last year's self titled album launched them into the mainstream. their single "ho hey" is still
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on the chart eight months after the debut. >> if you get the grammy is that the cherry on top? >> just retire after that. >> that's it? >> we talk about the grammys, it's kind of like a family that meets to gather for their inheritance. we never knew that was coming to us. it's weird to be disappointed if we don't win. it's just nice to get the recognition. >> the only other group up for the award are the alabama shakes. unknown just two years ago, the four members were juggling part-time jobs in the back woods of alabama when they decided to risk it all and record their debut album "boys and girls." >> if you don't do it the prize will remain the same. we had to quit our jobs, take a risk and go on that tour. ♪ ♪ >> blending hard rock retro soul and alabama blues, the
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group promises the best new artist award won't shake things up. >> it's not going to change anything as far as our music goes. >> over in neighboring tennessee, nashville's 21-year-old hunter hayes is the youngest and only country artist among the nominees. >> i always wanted to be a part of this industry and genre. to be now representing the genre is such a noble task you know. i don't really deep myself worthy. ♪ all i ever wanted ♪ >> hayes' number one country hit "wanted" is on his self-titled debut album. he co-wrote and co-produced every song. he also played every single instrument. >> if i get bored with one instrument it's just on to another. >> but the only other solo performer nominated may give all
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of them a run for their money. 25-year-old hip-hop single frank ocean's album "channel orange" is up for six awards including album of the year. but whether it's been a year of hard work or a decade in the end the award means the same to all five nominees. >> it's a big deal. it's a massive honor. it feels good to be recognized by our peers. ♪ ♪ all right, anthony. >> love that album. it's going to be a top race. five very talented acts. >> gayle, who are you rooting for? >> listen i was looking at anthony's piece. i'm now sort of smitten with
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this hunter hayes. like that song. i like it. >> i love who you've got coming up. >> yes, yes. we planned it very well because this is crazy but carly rae jepsen, here she is. one of last year's biggest hits there it is called "call me maybe." she got up early or maybe never went to bed. >> i've been awake. i stayed up for this one. >> she's going to stick
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♪ there was one tune you ♪ ♪ >> there was one tune you simply could not escape last year.
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even general colin powell. "call me maybe" has made carly rae jepsen up for not one, but two awards on sunday. good morning. >> good morning. >> do you sort of feel like cinderella? >> yeah, i think that's a pretty strong comparison to that kind of going to the ball for the night. >> i say this because last year you were sitting at home watching the grammys in your pajamas. >> yes. >> this year you're going to be on the grammy stage presenting and in the audience with your fingers crossed thinking okay, maybe this could do it for me. >> yes, there is that sort of feeling of oh my goodness, i get to wear a dress and go to this big ball event. >> do you know what you're wearing? are you aware there's a dress code this year? >> i know. >> could i ask you this ms. jepsen. please make sure your buttocks and female breasts are
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adequately covered. check? >> check. >> thong-type >>. >> make sure that there's no visible puffy bare skin exposure. check? >> check. >> let's talk about what a ride this has been for you. here is justin bieber who heard the song, and before you know it we all heard it. >> yes. >> what has this ride been like since you know justin heard it and it started picking up stream? >> i remember in the beginning when he tweeted and called my manager and scooter vaughn got involved, i remember thinking it's too good to be true. i didn't call anybody. i kept it to myself. my immediate bandmates knew. in general i was very hush-hush. all of a sudden people said
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what's going on in your life. i have no idea. >> it's been number one for nine weeks. over 212 million people have looked at your video. i'm thinking this is the time you've arrived. >> it was kind of a group project. even that video was done by a friend of mine. two of my best buddies from canada. >> are you feeling pressure to make sure you're not a one-hit wonder? >> i don't feel that pressure. i know that i'm not. song writing is sort of the main thing for me. >> the lyric you said was a filler lyric. that catcher song wasn't something you even meant to be on the record. >> yes. >> that was a filler for you. >> it was a group project. when i was singing the lyrics no thought was that we would keep it. whatever happens happens. >> whatever happens has happened. you've got stiff competition, congratulations.
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you are there. thank you carly rae jepsen. we'll look back at the week that was. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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hopes she's made the right decision in her dress choice. she says of all these years of judging people maybe she should have been nicer, she says. you can see the grammy awards 8:00 7:00 central here on cbs. norah and anthony, back to you in new york, new york. >> great interviews. love see inging you. that does it for us as we leave you, let's take a look back at the week that was. have a fabulous weekend. ♪ o beautiful for spacious skies ♪
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>> this was the longest super bowl ever. also then the most bizarre. >> to the end zone. he's in for the score. >> i literally finished an interview with the man in charge when the lights went out. >> another piece of adversity. just one more thing you've got to overcome and find a way. >> for the touchdown! >> one of the most memorable super bowls of all time. ♪ america ♪ >> good morning, angels. >> good morning, charlie. >> the baltimore ravens beat the 49ers 43-41. >> you just won a super bowl. could i see a happy face and a smile? there you go. blizzard conditions across the northeast. >> last thing they need now is another storm. >> you're absolutely right about that. >> is the message to america this morning get busy in the bedroom is the best way to serve your country? >> if he escaped, what -- >> would be set free to a zoo or something.
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i'll take him. >> charlie's taking the goat. new warning is in response to people use inging vine to watch and share porn. >> i was going to but i'm not. >> one tank. >> sisu come take the food. okay. >> she found a girlfriend. >> we like her already, don't we? >> that's how we differentiate alzheimer's from just benign forgetfulness. >> we have benign forgetfulness all the time. >> this morning. >> this morning. they had to convince you, why? >> my conscience got to me. >> right now in united states about a third of patients are getting the wrong treatment. >> what is your reaction to taking blood pressure? >> they say, what, are you turning this into a doctor's office or what? i got out there and started doing it. breaking news this morning, three southern california police officers have been shot. >> christopher dorner has been named the primary suspect. >> where do you get the stories?
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how does this song originate in your heart? >> if i knew where they would be, i would go there more often. >> who is that guy? who is that guy? >> 43 years old. >> not getting older rs charlie. you're getting better. >> when they call you a hero you're finally going to realize that you don't need to be a doctor to help others. ♪ alleluia ♪
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning. it's 8:55. i'm michelle griego with your kpix 5 headlines. police in southern california spent all night searching without success for a former l.a. police officer. christopher dorner is accused of killing three people because he feels he was unfairly fired from his job. authorities plan a mid-morning update in big bear lake where
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dorner's torched pickup was found yesterday. new evidence set to be unsealed today in the murder case of a silicon valley millionaire. ravi kumra was killed during a home invasion robbery at his monte sereno mansion in november. raven dixon was charged with harboring one of the murder suspects. evidence against her has been sealed until today. san francisco's muni system will increase inspections to try to prevent another cable car accident like the one that injured 7 people on wednesday. the cable car was stopped suddenly by a bolt in the tracks that came from a switch plate. now those bolts will be checked weekly to make sure they don't come loose. here's lawrence with the forecast. >> storm system winding down now. looks like skies going to be clearing out as we head toward the afternoon. out there still some very gray skies toward san jose. but the showers even tapering off there now. hi-def doppler radar showing a couple of raindrops over the santa cruz mountains. if you look to the mountains toward the afternoon you may see a light dusting of snow later in the day.
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temperatures in the 50s outside. it is going to be a cool and brisk day. over the weekend should stay nice and dry and temperatures should be warmer. >> we'll check your "timesaver traffic" coming up next. don't wait for presidents' day to save on a new mattress. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now. save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now. superior service best selection lowest price guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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>> hearst a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. here's a live look. still a mess. some improvement after the early-morning motorcycle accident. it's been blocking three lanes. all lanes have been opened for
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quite a while. unfortunately the damage is done. westbound 80 slow from cutting to the toll plaza. here's a live look at the nimitz. 880 in oakland, northbound slow and go from the coliseum all the way towards the downtown oakland exit. and a quick check of our maps. northbound 17 at laurel road, accident blocking the right lane. it is still sluggish from sugarloaf. lifeti that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! lk with friends, you meet new friends and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ ♪ undeniable ♪ (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire ♪ ♪ building up from deep inside ♪ it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving
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the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ >> rachael: today...yum! "casserole week" roars to a memorable close. it is delicious. the family will gobble it. even oscar winner jeremy irons is taking note. >> i'm so impressed, the way you take things out of the oven they are not burnt. >> rachael: and -- >> fight approximating myself it was so great. >> rachael: going into orbit around the world according to gayle. >> bedroom fun lights on or off?
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>> lights off. >> what is yours? >> rachael: lights off, i don't even look down in the shower gayle, no! [cheers and applause] >> rachael: hi, guys how are you? welcome, welcome, welcome. i'm very excited to get to our first guest today because he's a first timer to our television show. i'm also excited because it is day five of "casserole week." [cheers and applause] >> rachael: all week long we've been celebrating the beauty of the casserole. casseroles inspire us to hang out with friends more to go out to a potluck. casseroles are useful this time of year just to get ahead. put an extra casserole in the fridge, one night when the weather is not great or you feel a cold coming on you have the
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